Corporate Tax Planning
Taxes are the single biggest expense your clients have. Do you have a strategy for how your client will access the cash in their corporation without losing it to the taxman? Together we can implement multi-profession strategies that keep more money in your clients pocket.
Estate Planning
Does your client have a plan in place that helps protect, preserve, and perpetuate their legacy? Together, we can benefit future generations and causes in the way your client wants.
Insurance Solutions
We do big boy insurance. This is more than just protecting families in death, life threatening illnesses or disabilities. We are talking about game changers that save tax now and in the future, and allow the transfer of wealth to the people or important causes. Insurance is not just insurance, it is a financial tool that has levers available to accomplish other financial goals along the way.
Cash Flow Analysis
Your client's biggest asset in life is your ability to earn income. Is that income secured? Is it being optimized? Do they have an active plan to make sure that income is used correctly? Is their money going to work everyday for them? We help your client use the dollars they have in the most effective way possible.